Sunday, April 12, 2009

Addicted to Dance

BYU had their Ballroom Dance Concert this weekend. All those who know that I was very involved in their program asked me if I attended. I didn't go. I couldn't stand to. Ever since I had to leave Provo and get more involved in the career of my choosing, I have been lieing to myself about how much I miss it. I thought I would be fine without it for a little while - until I had my job down and a year of teaching under my belt - then I might pick it up again for fun.

But recently I have become aware of how much not dancing is weighing on me. I am now to the point where I can't fall asleep and end up watching video after video of professional dancers or clips of "So You Think You Can Dance" on youtube. It keeps me up until ungodly hours. I was awake last night until 2:30 am. Tonight I went to bed at 10:00 pm and here I am still wide awake 3 hours later aching to be dancing.

Dance Insomnia - my new disease.

Today at church, one of my friends told me about some classes up in Salt Lake that she is going to this summer. She invited me to come along and I can't wait. I have already looked up all the specifics online and it looks like the classes are already going. I've toyed with the idea of going this week! And now Thursday seem like forever away. The day I get old and gray and have to stop dancing with be the saddest day of my life.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The End of an Era

Tomorrow is my last day student teaching. It is going to be hard to say goodbye. I have come to know and love so many of my student is such a short period of time. It kinda scares me - if I am this emotional leaving students I have only known for two and a half months, what am I going to be like with students I've had all year.

I can't help it but my heart just aches for them. They are going to be facing so many adventures and I hope they are up to the task. They are all so brilliant but I would just like to see them make better choices.

From all the interviews I had yesterday, I realized one of the goals I have as a teacher - I want every one of my students to leave my classroom a better person. Science is great and important to learn but that isn't the main thing I want them to get from being in my class. I want them to achieve a sense of hope, of excitement, of understanding and of wisdom. I want their eyes to be opened to the many opportunities that they have at their fingertips. I want them to have to foresight to know where their current actions are leading them.

In science experiments, we always have a control - a sample where we keep everything the same. But then we have other samples where we change one thing - and only one thing - to make it different from the control and see what difference that one thing makes.

To all my students out there, look at how you are doing. If you do the same thing, you will keep getting the same results. Change one thing. Just one. See what a difference it makes. Sometimes it will be beneficial; other times it won't. Figure out what is best - for you. That is how you change your life - and the world for that matter - one thing at a time. Go out and achieve your full potential - because your potential is truly amazing.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

To the Cartwrights

I have a lot to think about. This post isn't about how I can help others but about how others have helped me. I was able to talk with some people tonight that have exactly what I want for myself. It was such a great opportunity for me to see where they have come from and how they got what they have. I have been working towards this goal but it can easily seem overwhelming. Talking with them helped me to allay many fears and doubts that have been welling up in my mind. It is so nice to see that my goal is actually obtainable - I can do it because it has been done before.

So my question of how can I help people may have been answered tonight in a way. Instead of my original intention of questioning ways to help others with "," it became how do you help influence my life for the better. How do you help? You have given me something that I could not give myself - a vision of hope. And you need all the hope you can get with my goal because obtaining it often means wading through the depths of despair.

I can't thank you enough. :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I had a really good friend in high school who is no longer talking to me - and I don't know why. Soon after high school, he revealed to me that he has depression. I was supportive and felt honored that he could confide in me with such details about his personal life. We continued to be good friends for the next couple of months. At which point, we both left our hometown and decided to sign up for two years to go do service on missions outside the country. We got assigned to different places but still kept in touch. Part way through my mission, I found out that my friend had decided to give it up and go home - for reasons I am still unclear about. This is the point where he cut off all communication with me. When I finished my service, I came home to find out he had moved away. I talked with his parent and got his phone number. He answered once but when I invited him to go hang out with some mutual friends, he said he wasn't up to it. He never answered my phone calls again. I have found him on facebook and tried to add him as a friend. I have been to his parent's house asking for his address. I have tried instant messenger. I have tried everything I can think of to try and get through to him. It has been 4 years now since we have stopped talking. I still think of him and hope everything is okay. Is there anything more I could try? or should I just give up on my lost friend?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Purpose of the Place

I have been troubled as of late. More and more of my friends are having problems in their lives. I see the pain that they are experiencing and I find it easy to empathize with them. I feel for them and wish that I could do more. I have run out of ideas for the following people and don't know what more to do other than ask around for suggestions. So those of you who stumble upon this, please add your two cents worth. I don't care if you are an expert in this area or have never run into it before but would handle it in a different way than I have. I just need some fresh opinions and a place to vent about this to help relieve a little stress.